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 صور حفل زفاف وليام

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
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الزعيم x

الزعيم x

تاريخ التسجيل : 27/04/2011
عدد المساهمات : 321
نقاط : 49617
الجنس : ذكر
الموقع : مكة المكرمة

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مُساهمةموضوع: صور حفل زفاف وليام   صور حفل زفاف وليام Empty29/04/11, 01:31 pm

صور حفل زواج الأمير وليام - Images marriage ceremony of Prince William - يوتيوب حفل زواج الأمير وليام، فيديو حفل زواج الامير وليام - The royal couple's body - صور حفل زفاف الامير وليام والاميرة كيت - صور حفل زواج الامير ويليم

صور حفل زفاف وليام C09d60d5dd

صور حفل زفاف الأمير ويليام

صور حفل زفاف وليام 7a2293c351

صور حفل زواج الأمير ويليام

صور حفل زفاف وليام D13427c641

صور حفل زفاف وليام B7d4dc2870
صور قبلة العروسين الأمير وليام والاميرة كيت - صور قبلة الامير ويليام لزوجته كاثرين
صور حفل زفاف وليام B278e86243

Prince William and Kate Middleton pose for photographs in the State Apartments of St. James Palace on November 16, 2010 in London, England following the announcement of their engagement. The wedding will take place on April 29, 2011 at Westminster Abbey and is proving to be the most anticipated royal nuptials since the marriage of Wills' parents, Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. In anticipation of the special day, we have selected some of the best photos of the longtime couple and soon-to-be newlyweds. (Anwar Hussein/WENN.COM)

صور حفل زفاف وليام 86374e0216

Bad romance?
No way! Pictures speak louder than words, and when it comes to the royal couple, it's a picture-perfect romance with relationship success signals loud and clear.
Prince William and his bride-to-be Kate Middleton are a tight twosome who'll be living happily ever after - well, at least they're off to a great start, according to body ******** expert Patti Wood.
Visual hints show their love is deep - William and Kate share a deep respect and admiration for one another, says Wood.
"They look at each other often - and not for approval as Diane often did when she first was engaged to Charles, but with respect and affection," says Wood.
There's also the look of confidence, says Wood, of Body ******** Expert and Speaker | Patti Wood, MA, CSP. "Kate watches him closely when he is talking; she does stand back slightly to show her place but she doesn't bow down her head in submission or lack of confidence as you used to see Diana do in Charles' presence." It's a relationship of equals.
According to Wood, Kate keeps her head and chin on "the midline for the throat window, which shows once again her confidence and ease in the high stress media moments."
Wood often analyzes celebrity body ******** and provides fun feedback, including the lies and telltale truths, for major celebrity and women's publications.
"One single moment can be very revealing and can predict so many things going on in the relationship at that time," says Wood. "It's the little things couples do that reveal how they really feel because we can't consciously control those actions."
Optics don't lie! William and Kate are in sync and the connection is mutual, says Wood. "In photos you often see them taking on mirrored body ******** poses of each other. That frequent matching and mirroring shows they are in sync."
The royal couple mirror and imitate one another during interviews. "It's a dance of tit-for-tat movement - for example, one would move their upper body forward while the other moved an arm forward; one would move their head up and down, the other would move arm up and down. Their body ******** shows synchronicity."
Their "gesture clusters," including hand and feet placement, all point towards mutual connectedness.
It's truly a love story, adds Wood. "If you watch and listen to William as he tells the story of their proposal, you will notice that he is truly happy, his smile is large his voice is animated and playful. He enjoys telling the story of the proposal. The words flow out smoothly and enthusiastically."
Wood says you can often tell a lot about a couple by how they relate their first date, when they fell in love and/or their proposal. One may do all the talking, and one the listening and chime in as they tell their love stories.
"Kate didn't chime in, which is appropriate to her role, but she certainly beamed and he wasn't tired of the tale," says Wood. "When Kate speaks her voice is happy, and she too has a nice smooth flow in her speaking, that shows ease and true positive feeling."
The fairytale unfolds. "All the things in their body ******** show a healthy, loving, supportive connection right now but in time being in the public eye can destroy things," adds Wood.

صور حفل زفاف وليام Bb1d5cc8db
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
قربـــكــ # دفـــا

قربـــكــ # دفـــا

تاريخ التسجيل : 27/02/2011
عدد المساهمات : 365
نقاط : 50156
الجنس : انثى
الموقع : ! ღ.¸¸.?بين حباااايبي?.¸¸.ღ

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: صور حفل زفاف وليام   صور حفل زفاف وليام Empty29/04/11, 03:21 pm

يعطيك العاافية
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
السهم المكسور


تاريخ التسجيل : 03/07/2011
عدد المساهمات : 5
نقاط : 48435
الجنس : انثى

صور حفل زفاف وليام Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: صور حفل زفاف وليام   صور حفل زفاف وليام Empty04/07/11, 05:11 am

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